Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Her Shop ~ Herbstkind Illustration, Her Blog ~ Julia Humpfer

Julia is the amazing artist behind Herbstkind Illustration. Her imagination floors me and inspires me to pull out my long forgotten pen, ink and watercolors. I love her unique style and the whimsical feel to each illustration. Here's an excerpt taken from Julia's Etsy profile:

"I´m Julia Humpfer from Stuttgart, Germany!

I would say I´m a full-time drawer and illustrator, just because I can´t imagine ever stop doing this. I get inspired by so many things, by nature, books (Oscar Wilde for example), films, poems, music...
I made my diploma at the Merz Academy in Stuttgart and working now as a freelancer and commercial artist.

"Herbstkind" means child of autumn and I chose that name for my art because I love that cozy feeling when you go out in the nature, wrapped up warmly in light woolen pullovers. When the sun is still out there to give everything a golden glanze but the first cold breezes bring the scents of apples, coloured leaves, pumpkins and honey candles. And somehow this feeling reappears in many of my drawings. I love to work with warm and soft tones and nature inspired imageries.

Usually I draw my paintings with ink and finish them digitally.
When I am able I am delighted to create custom products, please feel free to ask!"


Julia's art is inspired by many things! What inspires YOU as an artist, photographer, designer?

What do you appreciate about Julia's illustrations?


  1. thank you for introducing me to this artist, i gently feel drawn to julia's universe :)

  2. oh my those are gorgeous! can't wait to check out more of her work!

    as an artist, i'm inspired mostly by the people around me. people that strike me as interesting or that tell story w/ just one look.


Thanks so much for your comments. Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are important to me!

~ Vicki