Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I've Been Tagged!

Image by Believer9

O.k., it looks like I've been "tagged"! My task is to tell you 10 things about myself. This is a little out of my comfort zone but that's o.k. You're a great group of people and I'm sure you won't be too hard on me. ;)

1. When I was I was in pre-school I remember going door to door in my neighborhood with a little red wagon full of tiny frogs. I sold them for 5 cents a piece! I was a small business owner even then. ;)

2. I moved 12 times growing up and went to nine different schools. My Dad wasn't in the service, we just had a bit of "gypsy" in us.

3. When I was in elementary and junior high school, I was a bit of a trouble maker. I loved to talk in class, get into water fights in the halls, sing loud on the bus, etc.....every teacher's and bus drivers nightmare.

4. I'm married to my best friend and have three older kids. They're 22, 20, and 17. I got married when I was 12. Just kidding.

5. I've had some troubling neurological symptoms over the last 8 years. Doctors think it's MS (Multiple Sclerosis) but we're just waiting for more evidence on my MRI.

6. I love ART and CHILDREN and have taught art classes in the past. I teach about famous artists and then we create projects based on that famous artists style.

7. One of my favorite things to do is to take country drives. Even before I had a camera, I just loved taking a drive with my windows rolled down and the country music turned up...yes, I like country music. lol.

8. I love coffee, cheese, and chocolate!

9. I hate hotel sheets and I'm nervous about extreme heights.

10. I love everybody and make friends easily....hope that's not bragging.

Have a great day, friends, and thanks for listening to me ramble. xo


  1. I moved about 12 times too - army dad. I did ROTC but dropped out, but the moving bug stuck with me - I moved four times last year, just for kicks. It was too expensive to repeat, though...

  2. I love coffee and chocolate and have a fear of heights too, although I've been overcoming it in the last few years. I also love teaching art to young children, and will be starting a class in a few weeks. And, I moved 17 times when I was growing up (hated it) we have a lot in common. Hope you get a good medical report and have a healthy 2010!

  3. enjoyed reading this! we have some things in teaching art lessons and children, hate hotel sheets, and married to my best friend!
    Thanks for sharing:)

  4. fun to learn more about you. I hate hotel sheets too and the pillows, I always have to bring my own pillow. I guess I'm a bit of a germaphobe. :)

  5. How fun! I love hearing these things about you :) The first one is so cute. I can just imagine you going around the neighborhood selling frogs!

  6. It's the hardest thing to talk about yourself, right? Thank you for sharing though! I was a notorious chatterbox in school.


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~ Vicki