Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Retro Love

I don't know what happened, but my excitement for photography has returned! Something I talk about in my creativity e-course are the obstacles we face as creative people. One of the roadblocks I've encountered over the last few months was a dry spell in my photography. Very few ideas came to mind for photos and I just didn't have the enthusiasm I used to have to get out and capture interesting/beautiful things with my camera.

Sometimes life events, stress, or busyness can get us off track. But I also think there are times when we need to take a step back and pursue other creative hobbies. In time our old passions may be renewed and in the process we find other creative and rewarding things to do!

I really like this photo as an iphone case or skin. You can find them RIGHT HERE along with the photo which is sold as a print, framed, or on canvas.

Hope you're having a great week so far. :) Thanks so much for leaving comments...I love reading each one. xx


  1. I would totally love this as a macbook cover =]

    1. Thanks, Maggie. :) That would probably look cool!

  2. Very nice, Vicki.

    You are so right about the creativity thing. I went through several difficult years that stifled my creativity. It has thankfully been rebounding the past couple of years.

    If you don't mind my asking, how do you set up your shots? The palettes are so lovely. Do you find objects that coincide with your color scheme and use them in the photos, or is it a combination of objects and computer graphics?


    1. Hi Karen, sorry for not answering your question sooner. It's a little difficult to explain because the answer is different for each picture. For some images I have an object that gives me an idea for a photo and other times I'm just out taking a walk and find something interest to photograph. :)

      I don't do anything digitally (I'm not skilled in that area) but I do edit in Picnik or Photoshop Elements.

      Thanks for your questions, Karen! xo

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Leaca! I'm loving your Instagram photos!!!

  4. Too bad I have a!
    I can't find cute covers for my phone!
    I love this simple and cute style light polka dot border.
    I think we all have the same up and down "ride" with creativity; it's like we expect it should flow constantly or something! :)

    1. Ha, ha, you're so right, Mary. Why is that? We put way too much pressure on ourselves! Nice seeing you here. :)

  5. I'm glad you're back to creating Vicki! Sometimes I think our creativity just goes into hibernation once in a while. But I've noticed that when mine comes back, my work is better than it ever was.

    I love the new picture, I wish I had an IPhone so I could get that case!

    1. Hey Tara! Thank you. :) Yeah, it feels good to be inspired again. Your photos are just gorgeous! Anything new?

  6. Congratulations for all your photos! They are great!

    1. Thank nice of you to say! :)


Thanks so much for your comments. Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are important to me!

~ Vicki