Friday, January 14, 2011

Fun Shop ~ Nora Jane

Happy Friday! Did your week go by as fast as mine? I always look forward to Friday's (who doesn't?) because my husband and I usually get the evening alone to rent a movie and relax. I hope you have plans to relax, be creative, or do something memorable this weekend, too. :)

Just thought I'd leave you a link to this fun, light-hearted Etsy shop before I head to the mall with my daughter (ugh). I love the patterned pillows and handmade stamps she creative!

Have a great weekend and I'll see you here on Monday (if not sooner). xo


  1. those stamps are love.
    thanks for sharing:)

  2. Have a lovely day :-)
    Are you going through with the plans on a workshop?

    Take care!

  3. Hi Hayley and Live a Lot.! Yep, I'm going through with my plans for the online workshop. We're working on a faq's page right now and I'm writing the course and contacting creative women to guest post, do pod casts, etc. Thanks for asking. :) More info. to come!


Thanks so much for your comments. Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are important to me!

~ Vicki