Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Simply Hue and Summertime

New in my shop!

Good morning! Well, it's Wednesday and I was so unorganized that there's no "I Create" interview, "Creative Spaces", or "Art Talk". Oops! I guess today you just get me, my new photo, and some updates. How's that for exciting? lol.

There are only 2 more days of Artist Spotlights for the month of June/July! It took us a bit longer to get through this month of artists due some health issues of mine and my son's graduation. Thanks so much for your patience. I really appreciate it. :)

I wanted to let you know about the new Summer schedule for Simply Hue. The schedule is that... there won't be a schedule! We're going to put the Artist Spotlights on hold for a few weeks and I'll announce a "call for artists" at the end of August and we'll begin anew the first week of September. If I'm going to be honest, I've been facing alot of health issues (nerve pain, numbness, tingling...all that fun stuff) over the last couple of months and it's been really hard to keep up with the spotlights. I think it will be a good thing to cut back on blog posts for the Summer and focus on my health.

I think you'll enjoy the new Summer "schedule", though! My goal is to post something fun, feminine, inspiring, and lighthearted most weekdays and we'll also continue with our Flickr. group, Simply Hue Creative Challenge!

Have a wonderful rest of the week, sweet friends....take it just one day at a time. xo!


  1. Wow, I just love your new item! Great colors and message.

  2. Vicki, you just made me laugh! :)

    First of all, and I usually say to my guests on my blog, this is mostly for them and the readers to have a good time being on our "places".

    And as if we're up to a good cup of tea on some friend's house, and if our friend is not feeling very good, we can surely wait for a better time to drink a cup of tea, and we wish our friend to get better really soon, as we like to see him/her smile.

    So... this means that we want to see you smile... so don't mind about blogging for a few weeks now! We sure love your blog... but we love you more :) so get better, rest... have a quiet time near your family and friends and get back with all your strength!

    I will be answering your cast for artists (cough! cough!)... if by that time I call myself that :)

    Take care, Vicki!

  3. Twiggs, your sweet message made me all teary-eyed. Thankyou for such thoughtful and caring words. They mean sooo much to me. :)

    And, btw, you are an artist...a very talented one! xo

  4. I love that image, such yummy color combination!

  5. You're being nice to yourself - yay! Don't worry about a thing, missy.
    I love the new print. xo

  6. That's what summers are for, kicking back relaxing and taking care of ourselves. :)

  7. Vicky, get better and have some free time just for yourself. We all need it sometimes! And today's photo: great! :))

  8. So sorry that you are struggling with your health. I'll be sending a little prayer your way! I love your blog by the way. I've meant to comment before but never have...feel better!!!

  9. I'm sorry to hear about your heath issues. But don't worry about us, take your time to relax and we'll be here when you get back!

    Oh, and yesterday arrived my Hadley Hutton print that I HAD to get after your post :) It's the yellow bumblebee and I love it!

  10. dear vicki, you definitely should think of your health and your family first! blogging is fun, and you're doing a great job with simply hue - but maintaining a high quality blog like yours IS time comsuming and it also takes a lot of energy, even if it brings much joy. the computer steals time and energy without us noticing. so please take good care of yourself and do exactly what you want to and when you want to!
    btw, i love your newest shop addition, the colours make me smile and the message is so important.

  11. What a beautiful print :)

  12. Great moto Vicki! I hope you start feeling better and take all the time you need to rest & enjoy the summer. Sun is good medicine (and I hear its finally sunny in Seattle)!

  13. Feel better Vicki - take care!

  14. I love this photo Vicki!
    Sending you lots of love and get-well wishes, hope this little break is just what you need! Take care of yourself and everyone will still be visiting here to see all your cuteness!
    Big hugs to you! XO


Thanks so much for your comments. Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are important to me!

~ Vicki