Friday, June 19, 2009

Colorful Images by Toni Hopper

All images by Photo Gypsy320

Toni Hopper is the "photo gypsy". She contacted me recently through Etsy and I'm honored to be able to post a few of her stunning photos. You can see even more of her art photography and western images at

Thanks, Toni!


  1. Thank you so much Vicki! I love your blog and am honored to be included. You always pick such beautiful images.

  2. Thanks, Toni. :) I love your photography and it was a priveledge to feature it. Take care!

  3. Congratulations Vicki on Artful Blogging! I was sitting there reading the article and thought, hey, I know that blog. Wait a minute, I'm featured on that blog. (big smile!) My guilt at not being a good blog follower is posted on my blog with a congrats for you! Glad you are still blogging and I will be back, soon.


Thanks so much for your comments. Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are important to me!

~ Vicki