Tuesday, November 27, 2012


There's no if's, and's, or but's .... I could live here in a heartbeat! I found these lovely cabin interior photos on this website. Unfortunately, I can't translate the description of these rooms, but I thought the photos might offer some inspiration if you're decorating your home in a modern rustic style. :)

What do YOU think? Could you live here?

UPDATE:  My dear friend, Trudi, from Beauty Comma gave me the Norwegian interpretation of this lovely home.

"The chairs (both dining and the one with the sheep's skin) are Norwegian design, and the kitchen modules are Danish 70's - the cabin owners inherited the kitchen from family.  This is a very common look in Norwegian cabins. Traditionally, people left the cabin walls bare, but we're starting to get really tired of this look - so this is a typical modern cabin makeover!"


  1. Vicki, it's in Norwegian, so I san help translating! In short; it's a cabin, as you mentioned. The chairs (both dining and the one with the sheep's skin) are Norwegian design, and the kitchen modules are Danish 70's - the cabin owners inherited the kitchen from family. That's about it =)

    This is a very common look for Norwegian cabins. Traditionally, people left the pine walls bare, but now we're starting to get really tired of this look, and this is a typical cabin makeover.

  2. Vicki, it's in Norwegian, so I san help translating if you want! In short; it's a cabin, as you mentioned. The chairs (both dining and the one with the sheep's skin) are Norwegian design, and the kitchen modules are Danish 70's - the cabin owners inherited the kitchen from family. That's about it =)

    This is a very common look in Norwegian cabins. Traditionally, people left the cabin walls bare, but we're starting to get really tired of this look - so this is a typical modern cabin makeover!

    1. You were so sweet to let me know, Trudi. I'll have to copy and past your answer in the post soon. :)

      How are you?!


Thanks so much for your comments. Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are important to me!

~ Vicki