Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Friday!!

This is the kind of weekend I want to have ... I want to relax with a good book, sit outside in the fresh air, surround myself with the things that make me happy. Life and responsibilities can be a little overwhelming at times and we all need times to slow down and fuel up on the types of things that revive us. I hope you have that kind of weekend, too. Hugs!!!

Oh, and if someone could remind how I can find the photographer who took the above photo (I want to credit them), I'd really appreciate it.  I'll get it down eventually.  ;)


  1. I love pics of outdoor rooms like this!

  2. Hey Vicki, that's exactly what I'm doing this weekend. Hope you can do this too :)
    If you want to find the above picture, just go on google, choose the picture search and pull the picture into the search area. :) Good luck.

    1. Thanks so much, Sabine...I'll give it a try! Always nice to hear from you. :) Have a relaxing weekend!! xo

  3. What a lovely photo!Wish you have a good day!


Thanks so much for your comments. Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are important to me!

~ Vicki