Monday, September 12, 2011

Registration is Open!

Good Morning! Just wanted to let you know that registration for the Autumn session of RAINING UMBRELLAS is open!!! Here are a few comments from former students:

"Vicki's course really sparked my creativity and made me move forward in a way I hadn't anticipated. It was a delight to be part of the course. It surpassed my expectations and really made me focus in a lovely way. I have recommended Raining Umbrellas to several friends already!"


"Vicki's e-course Raining Umbrellas is a treasure chest of inspiration and motivation. I have taken quite a few online courses about photography and creativity lately, some of them were really great. But, Vicki's course is the one I enjoyed the most. I got to know so many different artists and creative subjects! Vicki put so much effort and detail into the course and it was so versatile. You get loads of information and inspiration. I still gain plenty of energy and motivation from the input the course gave me and continue to do the exercises... just for me and just for fun. It was a wonderful and very enjoyable experience and I really look forward to her Droplets course."


"I was in a creative rut and feeling pretty bored and uninspired when I signed up for the Raining Umbrellas course. I wasn't sure what to do about it, but I thought that for the cost of the course, it was worth seeing if it would make any difference to how I was feeling. When day one arrived and I saw the beautiful website Vicki had prepared, I was instantly excited! It was just the motivation I needed to start being creative again, and I was able to throw myself into it and just have fun in a way that I hadn't in years. I looked forward to checking the site each morning to see the new lessons and be inspired by Vicki's posts, as well as features on other artists and designers. It was also great to be able to connect with fellow students from all over the globe. I would absolutely recommend the course to anyone who is considering it."

And, here is a lovely comment from a student from Raining Umbrellas who also participated in my mini creativity e-course, DROPLETS (scroll down to the bottom of the e-course page). Registration for this course opens on September 26!.

"The intimacy of Droplets was like a beautiful breath of fresh air. What you are creating with your e-courses is a group where women feel so safe to explore and express who they are and their creativity and where they are encouraged and inspired to keep to the path. My sense is that what is being created here is real and that it will continue to grow on very solid ground. You are a great facilitator, and you bring such a wonderful, positive, and nurturing spirit. Even in its smallness, there is a wonderful vibe and energy and I believe that it will continue to grow stronger and that the group will really gel into a wonderful place to spend a week or two or even a month (speaking of Droplets here)...which I very much look forward to!"


I hope you will join me for this challenging and fun 4-week course! And, if 4 weeks seems like too big of a commitment for you right now, how about taking part in Droplets? Registration opens on September 26th and class begins on October 17.

Have a great new week everyone! :0)


  1. Hi Vicky! Is the new droplets a fresh course or would it be like the previous one. Another thing, is it going to be a raining umbrellas part 2.


  2. Hi Susy!

    Droplets will be all new, but Raining Umbrellas is "Part 1"...the same course you took. :)

    Hope you're doing well. Post some of your latest projects on Facebook, ok? xo

  3. Hi Vicki, Cool I wish to join lets see if I can make it happen if not I will join the following one.



Thanks so much for your comments. Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are important to me!

~ Vicki