Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Reminder ~ Calling All Photographers!

Image by Isaberry

Just a reminder for you photographers (whether amateur or experienced) to send 3-5 of your favorite images to matissecolor@gmail.com. If your photos fit the basic aesthetic of Simply Hue I'll choose 1 or 2 of them to feature, alongside the work of other talented photographers, in a couple of weeks! Btw, no need to feel intimidated. There will be a large variety of skill levels represented. :) Thanks so much for participating!


  1. This sounds interesting! But I'm very, very much an amateur...Will give it some thought.

    You have a lovely blog, by the way :)

  2. Don't worry about that at all.....send a few photos on over!

    Thanks for the nice comment. :)

  3. I'm a serious amateur, probably closer to novice, but I may consider entering a few of my images.

  4. Do it, Nicole! I'm a novice, too. ;)

  5. Thanks for the opportunity...I'll send a few your way :)

  6. I found some that I'll be sending your way!

  7. i just discovered your blog via 'a creative mint' and would love to submit some photos. i'm a novice, too.

  8. Great, Cindy! Send them on over. :)


Thanks so much for your comments. Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are important to me!

~ Vicki